FVHD has always been at the forefront in the utilization of innovative materials, systems, equipment, and energy conservation measures on our projects.

Examples include:

  • Recyclable & Recycled Materials
  • Solar Reflective Roofs
  • Solar Shading
  • Active & Passive Daylighting
  • Geothermal Ground Water Source Heat Pumps
  • Solar/PV Systems
  • Energy Recovery Systems
  • Heat & Power Co-Generation
  • Occupancy Sensors
  • Water Saving Plumbing Fixtures
  • Energy Efficient Equipment

To help our clients reach their sustainable goals, we have experience in several methods for them to achieve the financial and environmental benefits of sustainable design. These methods include: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Energy Saving Improvement Plans (ESIP), Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Payback Projections, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), New Jersey Clean Energy Program, Smart Start Incentives, Pay4Performance, and several others. Our staff includes USGBC LEED accredited professionals and a Certified Sustainable Building Advisor to work directly with our clients on these programs.

We also embrace the challenges of sustainable design, and those presented through the US Green Building Council's LEED Green Building Rating System, by implementing it's design principles and viewing them as opportunities to create non-traditional solutions to traditional design problems. The resulting solutions provide our clients with buildings that not only satisfy their programmatic needs, but also enhance their place within the community at large as responsible stewards of their environment and it's resources.