Thomas R. Grover Middle School


West Windsor, New Jersey

The District recommended a grade reconfiguration and recommended a K-5; 6-8; and 9-12 educational plan. The Thomas R. Grover Middle School, named after a young Vietnam hero, is the district’s second middle school. Its completion permitted the District to enact the recommended elementary/middle school grade level realignment. The facility includes 60 classrooms, three computer rooms, two gymnasiums, a music suite, television studio, media center, and a theatre that can hold up to 650 people. An energy-efficient advanced geothermal system provides the school with its heating and air-conditioning, which provides a low-cost energy system with minimal environmental impact. The system enabled the school district to take advantage of the New Jersey GPU Energy Power Saver’s rebate program. The linear features of the school are emphasized by multi-toned horizontal brick banding. Vibrantly colored barrel vaulted entrance canopies are secured with metal bracing units flanked by pilasters.

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